Great Resources for the Aging network

LiveOn NY is excited to share some of the best resources and information, both nationally and locally, to support the work of the aging network in New York.

Interactive Map of Aging |

IMAGE: NYC, the Interactive Map of Aging, is an open-source map of New York City's current and projected population age 65 and older with overlays of available resources, services, and amenities. Created by The New York Academy of Medicine and the CUNY Mapping Service at the Center for Urban Research/CUNY Graduate Center, this data visualization tool enables users—such as government agencies, elected officials, health care and social service providers, planners, funders, and researchers—to understand and analyze spatial and socio-demographic patterns and trends.

Aging and Disability Business Institute |

The Aging and Disability Business Institute (Business Institute) is led by The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) in partnership with the most experienced and respected organizations in the aging and disability networks. Together, these organizations provide community-based organizations (CBOs) with the tools and resources to successfully adapt to a changing health care environment, enhance their organizational capacity and capitalize on emerging opportunities to diversify funding. Serving as the national focal point to build the business acumen of CBOs, the Business Institute focuses on building skills and knowledge across business disciplines, while looking ahead to the future of aging and disability services.

National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging |

The National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging (NRCNA) is hosted by Meals on Wheels America as part of a cooperative agreement with the Administration for Community Living. Their vision is to build the capacity of the aging services network to provide nutrition services for both current and future older adult populations integrated into a home- and community-based service system and provide training and technical assistance to the aging network regarding nutrition services.

National Center to Reframe Aging |

Eight national aging-focused organizations have formed an unprecedented partnership to create a better public understanding of older adults’ needs and contributions to society—and to use communications and outreach to drive a more informed conversation about aging and its implications for our communities.

Coalition on Diverse Elders |

The Diverse Elders Coalition (DEC) advocates for policies and programs that improve aging in our communities as racially and ethnically diverse people; American Indians and Alaska Natives; and lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender people. Together, we are made up of five national organizations representing a growing majority of millions of older people throughout the country: American Indian and Alaska Native Elders; Asian American, Pacific Islander, and Native Hawaiian older adults; Black and African American older adults; Hispanic and Latinx older adults; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults. We have come together to promote policy changes and programmatic solutions that respond to this demographic shift and will remove the barriers facing our communities. We envision a world where all older adults can live full and active lives as they age.

National Resource Center on LGBT Aging |

The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging is the country's first and only technical assistance resource center aimed at improving the quality of services and supports offered to lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender older adults. Established in 2010 through a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging provides training, technical assistance and educational resources to aging providers, LGBT organizations and LGBT older adults. The center is led by SAGE, in collaboration with 18 leading organizations from around the country.

Justice in Aging Resource Library |

Justice in Aging publishes frequent issue briefs, reports and advocate guides that help on-the-ground advocates assist low-income older adults and persons with disabilities deal with often complex challenges related to federal and state benefits programs. Many of the issue briefs are also reflected in our ongoing, free webinar trainings.

New York Health Access |

This site is intended to serve as a constantly evolving resource for advocates, caregivers, and consumers on public health insurance programs in New York State.

Center for Healthy Aging at NCOA |

We support the expansion and sustainability of evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention programs in the community and online through collaboration with national, state, and community partners. Our goal is to help older adults live longer and healthier lives.